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Building number Sort descending Building Building abbreviation
0001 Old Capitol OC
0002 Schaeffer Hall SH
0003 Chemistry Building CB
0004 Jessup Hall JH
0005 7 Triangle Place
0006 Iowa Bioscience Innovation Facility IBIF
0007 Calvin Hall CALH
0008 Macbride Hall MH
0009 Pride Alliance Center PAC
0010 605 Melrose Avenue FS04
0013 Gerdin Athletic Learning Center GALC
0015 Halsey Hall HH
0018 Biology Building BB
0019 Sciences Library SL
0020 Stuit Hall STH
0021 Art Building AB
0022 Seamans Center SC
0023 MacLean Hall MLH
0024 Stanley Hydraulics Laboratory SHL
0025 Pappajohn Biomedical Discovery Building PBDB
0026 State Hygienic Laboratory HLI
0028 Medical Laboratories ML
0029 Trowbridge Hall TH
0031 General Hospital GH
0033 Westlawn WL
0034 Medical Education Building MEB
0035 North Hall NH
0036 609 Melrose Avenue
0037 Art Building West ABW
0038 Gilmore Hall GILH
0039 President's Residence PR
0040 Field House FH
0042 Kinnick Stadium KS
0044 Currier Hall C
0045 219 Melrose Court
0046 Iowa Memorial Union IMU
0047 Asian Pacific American Cultural Center APAC
0048 Danforth Chapel DC
0050 Theatre Building TB
0052 Power Plant PP
0055 Obermann Center CHST
0056 110 East Bloomington Street FS01
0057 Myriad Technology Plaza One MTP1
0059 James Street Laboratory JSL
0060 Lagoon Shelter House LSHS
0063 UI Bioventures Center BVC
0064 Medical Research Center MRC
0065 229 Melrose Court
0067 Myriad Technology Plaza Four MTP4
0068 Campus Recreation and Wellness Center CRWC
0069 Myriad Technology Plaza Two MTP2
0070 8 Triangle Place
0071 Hawkeye Oral Surgery Clinic HOSC
0072 University Capitol Centre UCC
0073 Burge Hall B
0075 College of Public Health Building CPHB
0079 Stanley Museum of Art SMA
0082 Soccer Complex Facility SCF
0083 Nonfiction Writing House NWP
0084 Health Sciences Academic Building HSAB
0090 Visual Arts Building VAB
0095 13 - 14 Melrose Place FS09
0096 10 - 11 Melrose Place
0106 College of Pharmacy Building CPB
0109 9 Melrose Place FS27
0112 Hillcrest Hall H
0118 Center for Disabilities and Development CDD
0120 Hancher Auditorium HA
0121 Parklawn Hall PARK
0123 Shambaugh House SHSE
0125 Voxman Music Building VOX
0128 Duane Banks Field BASE
0132 Landscape Services Complex LSC
0134 Dey House DH
0136 Main Library LIB
0137 Hawkeye Parking Ramp HRDP
0138 422 N Clinton Street
0140 Glenn Schaeffer Library GSL
0147 Volatile Storage VS
0149 Goschke Family Wrestling Training Center GFWC
0150 UI Health Care Medical Center North Liberty MCNL
0151 Forevergreen Road Central Utility Plant FCUP
0155 Latino-Native American Cultural Center LNAC
0156 Rainbow Day Care BWCC
0157 Sand Road Service Building SRSB
0160 Madison Street Services Building MSSB
0165 Housing Services Complex HSC
0166 Aspire at West Campus AWC
0166-A1 102 Hawkeye Court - Building A1 AWC-A1
0166-A2 116 Hawkeye Court - Building A2 AWC-A2
0166-A3 130 Hawkeye Court - Building A3 AWC-A3
0166-B1 144 Hawkeye Court - Building B1 AWC-B1
0166-B2 172 Hawkeye Court - Building B2 AWC-B2
0166-B3 204 Hawkeye Court - Building B3 AWC-B3
0166-B4 260 Hawkeye Court - Building B4 AWC-B4
0166-B5 228 Hawkeye Court - Building B5 AWC-B5
0166-MS Aspire Maintenance Shop AWC-MS
0167 401 Melrose Avenue
0168 308 North Clinton Street
0170 311 Melrose Court
0171 130 Grove Street
0172 131 Grove Street
0173 UI Health Care - North Dodge NDC
0174 Caywood Apartments CA
0175 Woolf Avenue Court Apartments
0177 UI Health Care - Scott Boulevard OTV
0178 807 Melrose Avenue
0181 South Wing SW
0182 Medical Research Facility MRF
0183 Iowa Memorial Union Parking Ramp IMUR
0184 Phillips Hall PH
0185 Water Plant WP
0186 Hoak Family Golf Complex HFGC
0188 Spence Labs SLP
0189 Psychological and Brain Sciences Building PBSB
0190 Iowa River Landing IRL
0191 Lot 11 Parking Attendant Booth
0192 Lot 3 Parking Booths
0193 Iowa River Landing East IRLE
0196 English-Philosophy Building EPB
0198 Wendell Johnson Speech and Hearing Center SHC
0200 Afro-American Cultural Center AACC
0203 Van Allen Hall VAN
0204 Bowen Science Building BSB
0208 High Strength Waste Treatment Building 1820 WTB
0212 Emergency Power Facility 1 EPF1
0213 Institute for Rural and Environmental Health IREH
0217 Nagle-Duda Gymnastics & Spirit Squads Training Center GSTC
0219 The Mary Jo Small Child Care Center at Brookland Woods
0220 Hospital Parking Ramp 1 HPR1
0222 Performing Arts Annex PAX
0223 Plaza Ramp PPR
0224 Dodge Street Ramp NDPR
0234 Oakdale Studio Facility OSF
0239 Oakdale Utility Power Plant OPP
0241 Environmental Management Facility EMF
0242 Oakdale Shops Building A OSBA
0243 Oakdale Shops Building B OSBB
0245 Biomedical Research Support Facility BRSF
0246 Oakdale Shops Building C
0252 Oakdale Well House OUWH
0254 West Campus Pumping Station WCPS
0256 Oakdale Chilled Water Plant CWPO
0261 Growing Words CR Lab GWL
0264 1120 East Court Street GWC5
0265 109 East Market Street SGH
0266 Independence Road Annex IRA
0267 Fleet Services FS
0272 Catlett Residence Hall CAT
0273 Rienow Hall R
0274 Slater Hall S
0275 Petersen Residence Hall P
0276 Daum Hall D
0277 Stanley Hall STAN
0278 Dental Science Building DSB
0280 Nagle Family Clubhouse NFCH
0286 Field Hockey Event Management Box FHEM
0287 Field Hockey Grandstand FHG
0289 UI Sports Medicine OSMR
0290 Information Technology Facility ITF
0291 Oakdale Shops Building D
0292 3010 Northgate Drive
0293 Hardin Library for Health Sciences HLHS
0295 Finkbine Restroom South
0296 Finkbine Restroom North
0297 1137 East Burlington Street GWC2
0298 Health Care Support Services Building HSSB
0300 Jefferson Building JB
0301 Iowa KidSight Office IKS
0303 1211 East Burlington Street GWC4
0304 Hawkeye Indoor Track Facility HIT
0304-1 Jacobson Athletic Building JAB
0305 Oakdale Research Facilities ORF
0306 1205 East Burlington Street GWC3
0307 321 Melrose Avenue
0308 Chilled Water Plant 2 (West) CWP2
0309 UIHC Centralized Emergency Power Generation Facility EPGF
0312 Arena Commuter Lot Shelter ACLS
0314 Chilled Water Plant 1 CWP
0316 Lindquist Center LC
0317 IT Distribution Center ITDC
0318 West Campus Transportation Center WCTC
0319 Operator Performance Laboratory - Hanger H IC Airport OPL
0321 Oakdale Power Plant Substation OPPS
0322 College of Nursing Building CNB
0323 Finkbine Golf Cart House
0324 MNRA - Storage Shed B MNST
0325 MNRA - Boat House Storage MNBH
0326 124 Grove Street FS19
0327 128 Grove Street
0328 MNRA - Iowa Raptor Project Offices MNRP
0329 Parklawn Warehouse
0330 Physiology Research Laboratory PRL
0332 Finkbine Pump House 1 (Older) FPH1
0335 Finkbine Machine Shed FMS
0336 107 Grove Street
0337 Finkbine Maintenance Building FMB
0338 Finkbine Shop Facility FSF
0342 Cambus Maintenance Facility CMF
0343 Boyd Tower BT
0345 UI Aircare Maintenance Facility ACMF
0346 West Campus Steam Plant WCSP
0347 Butler Storage Court Street
0348 4 Oak Park Court
0349 435 Ridgeland Avenue
0350 1131 East Burlington Street GWC1
0352 108 River Street RIV8
0358 Hydraulics East Annex HLEA
0359 Carver Pavilion RCP
0365 University Hygienic Lab - Ankeny HLA
0366 MNRA - Sailboat Storage MNSS
0367 MNRA - Archery Range Shelter MNAS
0368 MNRA - Well House MNWH
0369 Kuhl House KH
0370 Iowa Geological Survey - Oakdale OIGS
0373 Hydraulics Annex 1 HA1
0374 Carver-Hawkeye Arena CHA
0375 Colloton Pavilion JCP
0376 Becker Communication Studies Building BCSB
0377 Boyd Law Building BLB
0379 Clinton Street Building CLSB
0381 Hydraulics Model Annex HLMA
0382 Research Park Landscape Service RPLS
0383 Towncrest Center TCC
0388 103 Grove Street
0389 Hope Lodge HOPE
0390 Substation U SUBU
0391 Mayflower Hall M
0393 Hydraulics Wind Tunnel Annex HWTA
0394 The Sprout House
0395 Hansen Football Performance Center HFPC
0396 P. Sue Beckwith, M.D., Boathouse BBH
0397 Football Practice Facility Building FPFB
0400 Children's Hospital SFCH
0401 Eckstein Medical Research Building EMRB
0403 Hospital Parking Ramp 2 HPR2
0404 Bowman House BH
0406 Track Storage
0407 Engineering Research Facility ERF
0409 Oakdale Microwave Transmitter
0410 Shipping and Receiving Facility SRF
0411 MNRA - Restroom Facilities MNRR
0412 Hospital Parking Ramp 3 HPR3
0413 Oakdale Biology Greenhouse OBGH
0417 UI Health Care Integrated Services Center ISC
0418 Iowa Advanced Technology Laboratories IATL
0419 MNRA - Storage Building MNSB
0420 Hydraulics Wave Basin Facility HWBF
0421 Pappajohn Pavilion JPP
0422 North Campus Parking and Chilled Water Facility NCP
0424 Oakdale 69kV Substation
0425 College of Medicine Administration Building CMAB
0426 Substation L Control Building
0427 MNRA - Social Center and Sailing Club MNSC
0430 Pappajohn Business Building PBB
0431 Pomerantz Family Pavilion PFP
0432 Finkbine Shelter
0433 Hospital Parking Ramp 4 HPR4
0433-1 Hospital Parking Ramp 4 East HR4E
0434 Levitt Center for University Advancement LCUA
0435 Multi-Tenant Facility MTF
0436 Mossman Business Services Building MBSB
0437 Law, Health Policy and Disability Center LHPD
0438 Hawkeye Parking Service Building
0439 Driving Safety Research Institute DSRI
0440 Hydraulics Annex 2 HA2
0441 Laundry L
0442 Finkbine Storage Facility FST
0443 Newton Road Ramp NRP
0444 Hawkeye Recreation Service Building HRSB
0446 Karro Athletic Hall of Fame KHF
0447 Medical Education Research Facility MERF
0448 Biology Building East BBE
0449 Pearl Softball Field SS
0450 University Services Building USB
0454 Blank Honors Center BHC
0455 Carver Biomedical Research Building CBRB
0456 Adler Journalism and Mass Communication Building AJB
0457 Hawkeye Tennis and Recreation Complex HTRC
0458 Pomerantz Center PC
0461 Entrepreneurship Learning Laboratory BELL
0462 Cannon-Gay House CGH
0464 Carver River Research and Education Facility CREF
0465 Plaza Centre One PCO
0467 ITS Switching Facility SFF
0468 Hawkeye Fan Shop
0469 Melrose Day Care
0470 707 Melrose Avenue
0471 3 Oak Park Court
0476 Highland Court Storage
0478 Advancement Services Building ASB
0482 Pappajohn Education Center PEC
0485 Liberty Square LS
0488 Iowa Medical Classification Center IMCC
0489 Kirkwood Regional Center KRC
0493 UI Mizzou Barn MOSB
0494 Health Care Logistics Management Center HLMC
0496 Ronald McDonald House RMCD
0497 State Historical Society Building SHSB
0499 Figge Art Museum FIGM
0502 Limnology Lab
0503 Main Cottage LLMC
0504 South Bath House
0505 Faculty Duplex
0506 King Laboratory LLKL
0507 Bodine Laboratory
0508 Wood Shop
0509 Calvin Laboratory
0510 Pammel Laboratory LLPL
0511 Shimek Laboratory
0512 Macbride Laboratory LLML
0513 Mahan Hall LLMH
0514 Lakeside Lab Library LLIB
0515 North Bath House
0516 Cotton Cottage
0517 Office Building LLOF
0518 Cabin 14
0519 Cabin 15
0520 Cabin 16
0521 Cabin 17
0522 Cottage 12 - 13
0523 Stone cottage 10
0524 Stone cottage 11
0525 Dining Hall and Student Lounge LLDH
0526 Stone cottage 6
0527 Stone cottage 7
0528 Brown Motel 1 (Units 101-106)
0529 Brown Motel 2 (Units 107-115)
0530 Green Motel 3 (Units 210-217)
0531 Shop North
0532 Garage
0533 Directors Residence LLDR
0534 Storage Shed
0535 Botany Annex
0536 Rierson House
0537 Shop South
0538 Tamisiea House
0539 Waitt Laboratory LLWL
0540 LaMair Managers Residence LLMR
0541 Classroom Shelter No. 1 LLC1
0550 Utility Services Facility USF
0585 965 Commercial Complex Storage CCS
0588 Mission Cancer + Blood Administrative Office MCBO
0589 MercyOne Clive Cancer Center MCCC
0590 Mission Cancer + Blood Ankeny Clinic MCBA
0591 John Stoddard Cancer Center SCC
0592 MercyOne Richard Deming Cancer Center MDCC
0593 Mission Cancer + Blood Waukee Clinic MCBW
0594 Pella Regional Health Center PRHC
0600 UI Community HomeCare Office UICH
0602 UI Health Care Des Moines Administrative Office. DMAO
0604 UI Health Care 2nd Street Warehouse HCW
0606 UI Quickcare - North Liberty QCNL
0607 UI Quickcare - Mormon Trek QCMT
0619 UI Health Care - River Crossing RC
0620 Grinnell Dialysis Unit GDU
0621 Washington Dialysis Center WDU
0622 UI Health Care - Muscatine MDU
0623 North Liberty Dialysis Unit NLDU
0624 UI Childrens Hospital Pediatrics - North Liberty NLPS
0626 UI QuickCare East QCE
0628 UI Health Care - 10th Street CR10
0629 SFCH Pediatrics - Cedar Rapids Park Place CRPP
0630 Social Sciences Research Building SSRB
0631 UI Health Care - Holiday Road HCHR
0632 Pediatric Associates - Coralville PAHR
0633 UI Health Care - Dubuque HCD
0634 Child Health Specialty Clinic - Dubuque CHSD
0635 UI Health Care - Johnston, Chambery Boulevard JC
0636 UI Health Care - West Des Moines HWDM
0637 Cedar Falls - Orchard Drive CFO
0638 Des Moines Peds Cardiology DMPC
0640 Bettendorf - Lincoln Road LRHB
0641 Cancer Services - Quad Cities QCHO
0642 UI Health Care Womens Health - Quad Cities QCWH
0643 UI Health Care - Sioux City HCSC
0644 Urgent Care Davenport UCD
0646 Spencer, First Avenue, Child Health Specialty Clinics CHSR
0647 Ottumwa - Child Health Specialty Clinics CHOT
0648 Sioux City - Child Health Specialty Clinics CHSX
0651 Carroll - Child Health Specialty Clinics CHCL
0652 Decorah - Child Health Specialty Clinics CHDH
0654 Creston Taylor Street - Child Health Specialty Clinics CHCT
0662 UI Health Care - Davenport - East Rusholme Street ERSD
0670 UI Health Care - ACT Circle Services Building ACTS
0671 UI Health Care - ACT Circle Office Building ACTO
0674 UI Health Care Medical Center Downtown MCD
0675 UI Health Care Iowa City Jefferson Street ICJ
0676 UI Health Care Coralville Oakdale Road COO
0677 UI Health Care Coralville Heartland Drive COH
0678 UIHC Iowa City First Avenue ICF
0679 UIHC Iowa City Northgate Drive ICN
0681 UI Health Care Muscatine Cedarwood Drive MUC
0682 UIHC Solon Main Street SOM
0683 UIHC Tipton Cedar Street TIC
0684 UIHC West Branch Cookson Drive WBC
0685 UIHC West Liberty Crees Street WLC
0686 UI Health Care Williamsburg, Highland Street WIH
0691 UI Health Care - Urbandale HCU
0695 Iowa River Landing Parking Ramp IRLP
0697 Xtream Arena XA