About Us
Facilities Management Environmental Compliance assures that local, state and federal environmental requirements are met during the design, construction and operation of UI facilities.
What We Do
Enforcement of Clean Air Act regulations which govern renovation or demolition activities which could disturb asbestos containing building materials. Duties include: Sampling/Asbestos Surveys, Remediation Oversight, Training, Recordkeeping & Outreach.
For questions about asbestos compliance, contact Steve Henneberry or Darice K. Baxter, CISEC.
Drinking Water
The university maintains public water supplies that treat water for distribution to campus buildings. Environmental Compliance oversees the water use and public water supply operation permits associated with the drinking water facilities for compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act.
For frequently asked questions about UI and drinking water quality, visit our Drinking Water Quality page.
For questions about drinking water compliance, contact Ben Stracuzzi.
Flood Plain and Dredge or Fill Permitting
Construction located in state and federal flood plain areas or waterway areas may require construction permits and site mitigation. Environmental Compliance works with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to evaluate projects and get the necessary permits.
For questions about flood plain and dredge or fill permitting compliance, contact Jenna Wischmeyer.
Greenhouse Gas Reporting
Utilities Environmental Compliance Team completes required annual reports that summarize total greenhouse gas emissions from campus activities. The report is filed with EPA in accordance with requirements of 40 CFR Part 98.
For questions about greenhouse gas compliance, contact Jenna Wischmeyer.
Indoor Air Quality
First Stage Investigation of Indoor Air Quality complaints, including air sampling, occupant interviews and evaluation of identified spaces.
For questions about indoor air quality compliance, contact Steve Henneberry.
Compliance with Safe Lead Work Practices under OSHA lead in construction practices 29 CFR 1926.62 and RCRA (Resource Conservation and Recovery Act) disposal requirements for lead hazardous wastes.
For questions about lead compliance, contact Steve Henneberry.
Outdoor Air Quality
Environmental Compliance manages the university outdoor air permitting and compliance program to meet the requirements of state and federal rules and regulations. University air emissions sources include boilers, hot water heaters, generators, fuel tanks, paint booths, cooling towers, and kilns.
Construction of any new source, or modification of an existing source of outdoor air pollution on campus must be evaluated and proper actions taken to meet regulatory requirements. All sources are then tracked for continued compliance and reported to regulatory agencies as required.
For questions about outdoor air quality compliance, contact Amy Drahos.
What We Do
Protected Species
Projects are evaluated for impact to threatened and endangered species and migratory birds in coordination with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
For questions about protected species compliance, contact Jenna Wischmeyer.
Refrigerant Management
The Environmental Compliance Team assists University units in meeting the requirements of the EPA Section 608 Refrigerant Management program. Safe handling and disposal of refrigerants, and now substitute refrigerants, much be inventoried and tracked to ensure ozone-depleting gases or select greenhouse gas refrigerants are properly managed from use through disposal.
For questions about refrigerant management compliance, contact Jenna Wischmeyer or Rose Amundson.
Spill Prevention
Areas having oil-filled containers must meet requirements to reduce the possibility of a spill reaching waters of the United States. Nine separate Spill Prevention Containment and Countermeasures (SPCC) plans are maintained by Environmental Compliance staff on behalf of owners of the affected equipment. Annual training on spill prevention is also conducted.
For questions about spill prevention compliance, contact Jenna Wischmeyer or Rose Amundson.
Stormwater Management
The university maintains and implements a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit that addresses stormwater issues on our campuses. Additionally, stormwater discharge permits/NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System), and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs) are maintained as required. Actions include reviewing and approving site plans, site monitoring, and outreach & education. For more information on UI's stormwater management program and permits, visit our Stormwater Management page.
For questions about stormwater management compliance, contact Darice K. Baxter, Rose Amundson, or Jenna Wischmeyer.
Underground Storage Tanks
Underground storage tanks (USTs) must meet the requirements of US EPA and Iowa DNR rules. This includes completing monthly and annual walkthroughs, ensuring leak detection equipment for tanks and piping is functional, and maintaining overfill and spill prevention equipment. The university’s USTs are also biannually inspected by a third-party inspector for compliance with applicable regulations.
For questions about underground storage tanks compliance, contact Ben Stracuzzi.
The Environmental Compliance team assists the University in meeting National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Permit (NPDES) limits for cooling and other process water discharges on campus.
For questions about wastewater compliance, contact Ben Stracuzzi.
Contact Us
Facilities Management Environmental Compliance contacts:
Rose Amundson
Refrigerants, Stormwater and Spill Prevention
Darice K. Baxter, CISEC, ICCSPPI
Stormwater Inspections, NPDES General Permit #2, SWPPP Design Review, Asbestos, Indoor Air Quality, Mold
Amy Drahos
Air Quality Permitting
Steve Henneberry
Asbestos, Indoor Air Quality, Mold, Lead
Ben Stracuzzi
Water Quality and Underground Storage Tanks Compliance