Carver Pavilion - UIHC-IPT-Construct Building
Due to the construction of the new Inpatient Tower, soil testing will be required as part of the design process. On January 18, three to four locations will undergo Cone Penetration Testing (CPT), as indicated in the attached figure. Each location will require 2 to 3 hours of operation. While this...
Primary Building Coordinator:
Millard, William
Alternate Building Coordinators:
Jenkins, Randall
Jenkins, Randall
Gender neutral restrooms
1125, 2005, 2013, 3005, 4005, 4013, 5004, 7004, 8009, 8010
Single user restrooms - women
0007, 2004, 3004, 4004, 6004, 6216
Single user restrooms - men
0008, 6005, 6217
Multi-user restrooms - women
0072, 1108, 8002
Multi-user restrooms - men
0071, 1109, 8001