Welcome to Your New Building Coordinator Role!

The Building Coordinator is an important role on the University of Iowa campus. Our dedicated building coordinators work to facilitate effective working relationships and communication between building users and facilities service providers in order to achieve more effective service levels. The partnership between Facilities Management and the Building Coordinator depends on close coordination to keep building operations and management running smoothly.

  • Facilities Management is responsible for providing a physical environment that promotes University excellence.
  • The Building Coordinator serves as the primary contact with Facilities Management for all matters related to the condition, utilization, and operation of the building.
  • The Building Coordinator represents the users and occupants of a building and serves as a resource on matters related to facilities services.

The Building Coordinator orientation video below will be a helpful tool in getting started in your role.

The Role of the Building Coordinator

Responsibilities of a Successful Building Coordinator

  • Cares about the physical environment of the building and campus
  • Works in or near the building
  • Is familiar with the building, its occupants, special departmental equipment, lab and research areas
  • Is familiar with the building entrances, access controls, doors and key systems
  • Works closely with occupants and users to communicate needs, requests, and recommendations to Facilities Management
  • Works closely with Facilities Management to communicate, to occupants and users, information related to building outages, construction disruptions, energy curtailments, energy conservation measures, and other matters related to building operation
  • Is familiar with the various services provided by Facilities Management
  • Is interested in learning and understanding University procedures related to facilities operations and management
  • Provides feedback to Facilities Management to assist in improving services

Relationship with Facilities Management

  • Provides information and tools enabling building coordinators to effectively perform their building coordinator duties
  • Provides advanced information related to policy and service level changes
  • Provides a deeper level of understanding of FM services and procedures
  • Notifies building coordinators, in advance, of events, activities or work orders that may interrupt or disrupt normal building function and operation
  • Invites the building coordinator to pre-construction meetings for new projects and renovations that pertain to the building
  • Invites the building coordinator to regularly scheduled information and training sessions with peer coordinators
  • Shares building condition assessments and space utilization reports with building coordinators
Visual Arts Building Ribbon Cutting

Building Coordinator Information Library

These presentations from former Building Coordinator meetings will help you understand your role as a Building Coordinator. You can find additional previous Building Coordinator presentations archived by date on the Building Coordinator Network.

Building Coordinator Peer Presentation: Occupant Communication

Building Heating/Cooling Switchovers

Building Landscape Services Bi-Annual Survey

Cold Weather Protocol

FM Cold Weather Protocol — Julie Sychra

PowerPoint Presentation PDF

January 17, 2024

Facilities Information Services/SIMS Overview

FM@YourService: Customer Service Request/Emergency Reporting

How FM's Campus-wide Service Contracts are Managed

Integrated and Strategic Building Stewardship

Integrated and Strategic Building Stewardship — Jeff Harney & Julie Sychra

PowerPoint Presentation PDF

September 20, 2023

Leased properties

Lease Property Presentation — David Kieft

December 18, 2019

Pallet Pickup Program Review

Support and Services Provided by Risk Management

Support and Services Provided by Risk Management Josey Bathke, Emily Robnett, and Camille Waters

Winter Weather Response and Snow Removal

Additional Resources