The Russell and Ann Gerdin American Cancer Society Hope Lodge in Iowa City provides 28 rooms for cancer patients and their caregivers, offering free, non-medical lodging, and convenient access to the UI Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center. Fostering a home-like environment, the Hope Lodge is equipped with a community dining room, kitchen, family room, library, exercise area and laundry facilities. The Lodge also offers guests a wide variety of cancer programs and services free of charge that provide information, resources, and support to ease the cancer journey.

Russell and Ann Gerdin
Russell: 1941—2011
- Russell Gerdin was the founder, president, and chief executive officer of one of Iowa's most successful businesses, the Coralville-based trucking company Heartland Express
- Heartland Express was named one of America's 200 best small companies by Forbes magazine in ten of the last 13 years
- A former teacher, Ann Gerdin continues to make a difference in the lives of students and others through her philanthropic and community service efforts
- The family also has made gifts to the UI to fund the UI Athletics Hall of Fame and Visitors Center, the J. Hayden Fry Center for Prostate Cancer Research, athletic scholarships, the renovation of Kinnick Stadium, and the Gerdin Athletic Learning Center in Iowa City. Most recently they made a $12 million gift commitment to support the new UI Children's Hospital
- Gifts and Support to the UI
Building Information
Street Address
750 Hawkins Drive
Year built
Additional building information