James Sanborn

Birth Year

Sanborn's Iacto presents a direct visual reflection of the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, projecting illuminated headlines on the buildings at night. The title may derive from the Latin word "iactare" which means to cast or to throw. While, in daylight, the words seem to be stationary, punched out of a thick metal cylinder, in the night they are literally thrown onto the surrounding buildings, creating a courtyard drenched in glowing words and letters. This sculpture directly relates to its environment, in that words are at the core of The School of Journalism. Iacto is similar to Sanborn's most famous work, Kryptos, located on the grounds of the CIA in Langley, Virginia, which is also characterized by a metal, word-stamped cylinder. The work holds four encrypted messages, only three of which have been solved, leaving the last hidden message to be one of the most famous unsolved codes in the country.

Geological forms and materials inspire Sanborn's sculpture, yet he also works with linear projections and large installations. His works evoke a sense of mystery and his use of material mimics the strong forces of nature.

Watch a video on the Iacto sculpture.



James Sanborn, 2004