William Danforth erected 24 Danforth Chapels on American college campuses during the 1940s and 1950s. Constructed with funds from a gift by Mr. and Mrs. William H. Danforth of the Danforth Foundation of St. Louis, the nondenominational chapel occupies a picturesque site on the east bank of the Iowa River. Inside, a plaque reads: “To aspire nobly, to live daringly, to serve humbly.”

William H. Danforth
1870 - 1955
- Through the Danforth Foundation, William H. Danforth subsidized the construction of 24 Danforth Chapels on college campuses around the United States, and one in Japan
- Founded Ralston-Purina in St. Louis, Missouri in 1894
- Co-founder of the American Youth Foundation (AYF) and the author of the book, I Dare You!
Building Information
Street Address
15 West Jefferson Street
Year built
Additional building information