Formerly known as the Old Music Building. The 22,000-square-foot building was constructed in 1915 as an isolation ward for the original University Hospital. The facility was converted for use by the music department until 1971, when the Voxman Music Building was built. After that, parts of the building became graduate painting studios. Today, the ground floor houses the Carl E. Seashore Psychology Training Clinic, where students, under the supervision of faculty and staff, provide psychological assessments and therapy to the community. The first, second and third floors house lab space for clinical psychology faculty.

Dewey Stuit
1909 - 2008
- UI psychology professor who served as the dean of liberal arts for three decades (1948 to 1977)
- Joined the UI Psychology Department in 1938
- Named the first head of the Counseling Services Office in 1946, and Dean of Student Personnel Services in 1947, an office he continued to hold after being named interim Dean of Liberal Arts, also in 1947. He was named Dean of the College in 1949
- After his retirement in 1977, Dewey Stuit continued to be a generous supporter of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and endowed two professorships in the Department of Psychology. In honor of his wife, he established the Velma P. Stuit Memorial Fund for the Fine Arts. He also generously endowed student scholarships in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
- In 2002, friends and former colleagues of Dean Stuit established the Dewey Stuit Fund in Liberal Arts and Sciences to promote the development of mentor-protégé relationships between undergraduate students and faculty members
- Additional information
Building Information
Street Address
335 East Jefferson Street
Year built
Additional building information