University of Iowa Facilities Management celebrated Women in Construction Week 2022 from March 6 - 12 by featuring women on our Design & Construction team on social media.
Women in Construction Week was founded in 1960 by the National Association of Women in Construction, whose mission is to, "offers its members education, support and networking to help advance their careers in construction, build their technical skills, and become leaders." Facilities Management is proud to have so many incredible women on our teams.
We asked some of the female members of our Design & Construction department about their experience working in the construction industry. Here is what they had to say:
"I have been in the construction industry for over 25 years, and I can’t imagine working in another industry. I enjoy the different projects that working at the UI allows me to experience. The best part of projects is seeing the joy an end user experiences from the new space and recognizing the potential it may have to allow them to change the world through research and educational opportunities they provide their students." - Kirsta Scranton, Senior Construction Manager
"Exceptional buildings and spaces have defined the University of Iowa’s campus since its founding in 1847. Facilities Management has played a big part in developing this legacy. I’m proud to say that women architects, interior designers, engineers, landscape architects and project managers working with Facilities Management through the years have contributed greatly to this legacy." - Laura Hawks, Senior Design Project Manager
"Being an architect has been a great career path. I have worked in small, medium, and large architecture offices. Out of my house, in a skyscraper, and in an office cubicle. I’ve also worked at many, many construction sites. I have worked for other architects, ran my own practice, and am now happily in D&C at the University of Iowa. I have always been treated well. I have no complaints – it has truly been a good, fulfilling career and I have always felt like a valued member of the team." - Martha Stoakes, Senior Design Project Manager
"Our Design and Construction team is currently made up of 36% female employees. This percentage is considerably higher than the national average of women in construction, which is 9%. Our numbers could still improve - especially for higher level director and assistant director positions." - Monica Friday, Senior Design Project Manager
"I grew up with a dad who built and fixed everything… so I brushed off “construction” as more of a manly lifestyle than a job. But it kept drifting into my life, and I realized the satisfaction it brings. It takes common sense. It takes problem solving. It takes creativity. It takes teamwork and hard work. There are always new hurdles, and there’s always something to learn. But in the end, you’ve been a part of creating something bigger. I love it." - Julie Troendle, Construction Project Specialist
"As a woman in construction at UI, I am honored to have a hand in creating spaces that allow students to flourish and medical professionals to provide lifesaving care. Walking into a space that you spent months or years working on and see it be used is incredibly rewarding." - Jessica Messick, Construction Manager
"My favorite aspect of working in the construction industry is the power the built environment lends to building community. It’s a unique position to be involved in construction at the University of Iowa, and the impact of the work we do is widespread. I am proud and grateful to be a part of a group that helps set the framework for people involved with University of Iowa’s community to do their best work." - Catie McClurg, Design Project Specialist