University of Iowa historical affiliations
University of Iowa historical affiliations
University of Iowa historical affiliations
- University of Iowa professor of Natural History and State Geologist Samuel Calvin began utilizing the general area for both research and instruction in geology and paleontology.
- Thomas Hudson Macbride, a naturalist and botanist professor, department head of Botany, and the tenth president of the University of Iowa (and notably where Macbride Nature Recreation Area got its name from) often collaborated closely with Samuel Calvin. Through his work, passion for the outdoors and as the first president of the Iowa Park and Forestry Association, he promoted the development of state parks, including Lake Macbride and the Lake Macbride State Park. I revamped this bullet point slightly
- Professor and well-known naturalist, conservationist and botanist, Bohumal Shimek of the University of Iowa, conducted a preliminary survey of major animal habitats of the land that is now called Macbride Nature Recreation Area in 1913-1919. The records were included in the University of Iowa Studies in Natural History, the Animal Ecology of Johnson County, Volume VIII Number 1. In addition to Professor B. Shimek, Professors Dr. Frank A. Stromstem, G.L Houser, Daniel Milton Brumfield PH.D. and Mr. H.M.Trusler were also involved in the project. These are just sooo wordy….
- Aerial photos taken of the land in 1950-1958 by historical landscape photographer Frederick W. Kent are featured in the University of Iowa Collections and are often utilized to tell the history of the land in the area.
- University of Iowa began a land stewardship role in 1959 managing the land under a lease from the Army Corps of Engineers which is continued to this day with the mission of restoring and preserving the natural resources of the area for education, research and recreation.
- Over the years MNRA has been home to numerous research projects, and educational programs, some of which are listed below.
Johnson County established by the legislature of the Wisconsin Territory.
1837Description of Counties Physical Features, including MNRA’s Remnant Woodland” Big Grove” from the Iowa Weather Service
1838Iowa City’s location established.
January 21, 1839Description of the location chosen for the (Old) Capital with “Big Grove”
May 1, 1839