About Us
Facilities Information Services (FIS) is responsible for the data stewardship of all space, infrastructure, and physical development of the university’s entire campus. In partnership with university administration and the University Space Committee it provides recommendations to improve space management and utilization for academic, research and administrative units.
Space Information Management System (SIMS)
SIMS is the university’s facility information system that tracks all university owned and leased space. University building floor plans are available to view via the SIMS ATG/AVS website.
To access the system as a new user, university employee, or outside contractor, please follow the links below:
SIMS Space Update Request
If a change to a room's information has occurred, a request to update the room's use, department assignment, or occupancy in the campus room inventory can be made using the SIMS Update Request.
FIS Responsibilities
Building information and signage
FIS administers university building names, addresses, room numbering, and assists with interior and exterior signs
Geographic Information Services (GIS)
Geographic Information Services (GIS) provides mapping and data services including campus base mapping, utilities mapping, property mapping, master plan mapping and other related mapping projects.
Campus Land Surveyor
Campus Land Surveyor provides Global Positioning System (GPS) and land surveying services for the collection, field verification, and maintenance of utilities, civil infrastructure, topographic, construction, and land boundary mapping and data, and other various types of surveys.
Space Information Management System (SIMS)
Space Information Management System (SIMS) staff creates and maintains building floor plans and corresponding space data and the campus building inventory for all owned and leased facilities.
Contact Us
Additional Resources
Building Hours Workflow Form
For UI Building Coordinators to make permanent or temporary changes to building hours