Hardin Library for Health Sciences - Institutional Roads – Construct New Road – Newton Road to Fountain Entrance

Sidewalk Closure
Dates of closure/impact
Traffic control
Traffic control plan
Accessible route
Accessible route to the VA is maintained along Newton Road, East of VA to the VA. Route does not continue past eastern entrance to VA.
Accessible Route to Hardin Library to East Entrance of Hardin Library.
Alternate route
Parking and accessible access from parking lot immediately east and north of Hardin Library off of Newton remains open.
Affected bus routes
Iowa City
Reason and details for closure/impact

Phase 2  of the Traffic Control Portion for Newton to Fountain Road Entrance

  1.  Temporary widening of the Newton Roadway to the North will close the sidewalk on the north side of Newton road as well as the VA Bus Stop on North Side of Newton Road.
  2. East-West Pedestrian access will be maintained south of Newton Road on University of Iowa Sidewalks adjacent to Newton Road.
Project number