Reconstruct Finkbine Commuter Drive

Road Closure
Dates of closure/impact
Traffic control
Traffic control plan
Accessible route
Please see attached traffic control plan for alternate route.
Alternate route
Please see attached traffic control plan for alternate route.
Affected bus routes
Iowa City
Reason and details for closure/impact

We will be replacing the asphalt portion of Finkbine Commuter Drive with concrete. This will include removing the raised median and bollards at the south entrance to the lot. The concrete pavement will run along the concrete curb line through the parking lot and jut in at each access aisle to incorporate the pedestrian crosswalks.  New traffic calming mechanisms will be installed at the south entrance as well. This project has been on the Iowa DOT Institutional Roads 5 Year Capital Improvements Plan. CAMBUS has indicated their preference for concrete over asphalt for bus usage. and the traffic calming will help reduce the speed of the entering cars into the parking lot portion of the commuter drive, which will enhance safety of pedestrian and moving vehicles.  

Project number